My family recycles
Dear friends, we are launching our contest for a short essay or drawing on the topic ♻️ “My family recycles”, which will last for three months – until the beginning of January 2024.
All students from:
🏫 Secondary language school “St. Paisiy Hilendarski”, town of Dupnitsa
🏫 PG “Hristo Botev”, the town of Dupnitsa
🏫 “Hristo Botev” Primary School, Krajnitsi village
🏫 Pedagogical College “St. Ivan Rilski”, the town of Dupnitsa
🏫 Elementary School “St. Kliment Ohridski”, the town of Dupnitsa
🏫 Elementary School “St. St. Cyril and Methodius”, the town of Dupnitsa
🏫 the children from DG “Kalina”, the town of Dupnitsa
👉 If you wish to enter and win our prizes, you can do so by:
- submit your works to your art and Bulgarian language teachers, and they will contact us and send them to us;
- send your works as a message on this page;
- send your drawing or essay to the GIITT email.
#УчилищеБезОтпадъци #ZeroWasteSchool #EUgreenweek #РаботимЗаедноЗаПоЗеленаЗаПоКонкурентнаиПоПриобщаващаЕвропа #eeagrants #norwaygrants
This publication was created within the framework of project No. BGENVIRONMENT-3.001-0004 “ZeroWasteSchool”, financed under the Program “Environmental Protection and Climate Change (EPC)” of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) 2014-2021 d. All responsibility for the content of the publication is borne by the Foundation “Green Industry Innovation and Technology Transfer” and under no circumstances can it be assumed that it reflects the official opinion of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the Program Operator of the European Economic Area Program.