Introduction of an innovative model for reducing the amount of plastic waste in the marine environment from land-based sources
Project title: Introduction of an innovative model for reducing the amount of plastic waste in the marine environment from land-based sources
Project number: BGENVIRONMENT-2.003-0001
Beneficiary: Municipality of Beloslav
Budget: 143,934.73 euro, Duration: 24 months
Commencement of implementation: Grant Agreement № D-33-12 / 10.03.2021
Project № BGENVIRONMENT-2.003-0001 entitled “Introduction of an innovative model for reducing the amount of plastic waste in the marine environment from land-based sources”, funded by DBFP № D-33-12 / 10.03.2021. under the Program “Environmental Protection and Climate Change (OOSCP)” of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) 2014-2021

280 915.79 BGN / 143 629.96 euro, of which the maximum amount of the grant is: 263 467.64 BGN / 134 708.87 euro
• Beneficiary – Beloslav Municipality;
• Partners – Green Industry, Innovation and Technology Transfer Foundation, International Development Norway, Ecoinvest Assets AD;
24 months
• Activity 1: Project management (To be implemented by the Municipality of Beloslav):
The activity aims to ensure effective and efficient management, organization and coordination of project activities. In accordance with the regulatory requirements, a project management team will be appointed, consisting of a project manager, a financial expert and a project coordinator. The team will perform all necessary activities for the financial, technical, and administrative management of the project and will coordinate and communicate with the program operator and the partner organization, will participate in the preparation and conduct of tender procedures and will prepare reports for the Program Operator. The project team will be appointed by order of the Mayor of Beloslav Municipality.
• Activity 2: Development and introduction of an innovative local system for plastic recycling in the municipality of Beloslav as part of the global system “Precious plastic” (will be implemented by the Municipality of Beloslav and the partner – Ecoinvest Assets AD):
The following sub-activities will be performed:
• Establishment of a Municipal Center;
• Organization of a system for the collection of plastic waste;
• Creation of a recycling workshop and a place for sorting and storage of the collected plastic waste;
• Study visit to Norway for exchange of experience and good practices.
• Activity 3: Awareness raising campaigns on prevention of marine pollution with plastic waste (to be implemented by the Green Industry, Innovation and Technology Transfer Foundation and Ecoinvest Assets AD)
The following initiatives will be implemented:
• Launch campaign and open days. During this initiative, the project will be presented to the general public and the principle of operation of the model will be explained. Containers for separate collection of household plastic waste will be distributed to the local community. Ecoinvest Assets AD will organize an open day at the company, and a visit will be organized in order to promote separate waste collection.
• Campaign with students during the European Green Week in June 2021. The campaign is aimed at students who are identified as the main carriers of change in the local community – on the one hand, future citizens and on the other hand, have an impact on older family members. Various initiatives with students will be organized – competitions, green classes, open doors in the company of Ecoinvest Assets, as well as various competitions related to environmental protection. Students will participate in an initiative to “catch” plastic waste from public places, around the lake and from households. 200 will be distributed. bags of recycled fabric, 200 pcs. boxes and cutlery made of recycled plastic, as well as 200 pcs. reusable cups in order to form habits to reduce the use of disposable plastic packaging.
• Campaign for cleaning the Beloslav and Varna lakes. The local community will take part in World Cleaning Day – on September 15, 2021, and the waste will be separated. Within the campaign, a competition will be organized for the production of items from used plastic waste, etc. The participants will be given T-shirts with the logo and the name of the project.
• Closing event, which will present the results of the project. A competition will be organized – an exhibition between the schools of objects made from the collected plastic waste. The participants will be given T-shirts with the logo and the name of the project.
The campaigns will be covered with reports and publications in the local media – online TV and print.
All materials that will be given to the participants in the events will be made of recycled plastic and textiles, will bear the logo of the project, as well as clear and visible information about the support of financial mechanisms and donor countries.
• Activity 4: Academy of Circular Economics (to be implemented by the Municipality of Beloslav, ZIITT Foundation, International Development Norway and Ecoinvest Assets AD):
Activity 4 aims to establish the Development and implementation of educational campaigns regarding the sources of marine water pollution and initiatives to reduce them. The activity is aimed at the representatives of the target groups of the project – the local community and local authorities and NGOs working in the field of environmental protection.
The following is planned within the activity:
- One-day training “Fundamentals of plastics”;
- Workshop for young designers – two-day workshop;
- Two-day training for Separate waste collection and visit to the solid waste treatment plant of Ecoinvest Assets AD;
- One-day training Basics of marketing and sales;
- One-day training Fundamentals of the circular economy.
The training will be conducted in equipment within Activity 2 Municipal Center.
• Activity 5: Ensuring publicity (will be implemented by the Municipality of Beloslav and ZIITT Foundation).
To solve the problems related to the accumulation of plastic waste in the marine environment, the Municipality of Beloslav, in partnership with Ecoinvest Assets AD, Green Industry, Innovation and Technology Transfer Foundation and the Norwegian consulting company International Development Norway AS, will promote the implementation of good practices from Norway and the introduction of a pilot model for reducing the amount of plastic household waste in the marine environment.
The target groups of the project are the local public and business, local and regional authorities, the media and non-governmental organizations working in the field of environmental protection.
The model is based on the good experience of Norway and is a combination of people, machines, platforms and knowledge to create an alternative system for recycling and recovery of plastic waste, based on small initiatives at the local level, which are multiplied globally in the Precious system. Plastic.
The planned RESULTS will be achieved through the following activities:
• Development of an innovative local system for plastic recycling in the municipality of Beloslav as part of the global system “Precious plastic”, which will include a municipal centre, and a system for separate collection of plastic waste, which will be coordinated by the municipal centre and in which population and business at the local level they will actively participate;
• organization and equipment of a workshop for recycling/recovery of the collected plastic waste in material or objects for reuse;
• Conducting 4 campaigns to raise awareness on the prevention of marine pollution with plastic waste;
• Educational campaign “Academy for Circular Economics” within which various pieces of training will be conducted;
As a result of the project implementation, the amount of plastic waste in marine waters will be reduced and experience, knowledge and good practices from Norway will be gained.
The overall objective of the project proposal is to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the marine environment from land-based sources by developing an innovative model for the recovery of plastic waste at the local level.