🇪🇺🌱What is the Green Deal? How should it change Europe, and what will be the benefits for our society from it? ✅ The European agricultural and food system, supported by the Common Agricultural Policy, is already a world standard in terms of safety, security of supply, nutritional content and quality. Now it must also become a global standard for sustainability. […]
Teachers underwent specialized training under the “Zero Waste SCHOOL” project
10.07.2023 specialized teacher training was held in Dupnitsa under the “Zero Waste SCHOOL” project.📌 The main topics were:♻️ Impact of waste on the environment and ways to reduce it♻️ Circular economy and resource efficiency♻️ Separate waste collection♻️ Basics of household waste recycling♻️ The path of food – separate collection and composting📌 The lectures were led by experts from the “Green […]
Training for teachers
On 10.07.2023, Monday, in the building of the CEU “St. Paisii Hilendarski”, the town of Dupnitsa, training for teachers will be held under project No. BGENVIRONMENT-3.001-0004 “School without waste”, financed under the “Environmental Protection” Program Environment and climate change (EOSC)” of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) 2014-2021.♻️ The training is aimed at teachers from the […]