Official opening of the exhibition USE AGAIN, BREATHE LIFE
Today, on 31.10.2022, an exhibition of objects made from collected and processed plastic waste officially opened on the theme “USE AGAIN, BREATHE LIFE”.
The Municipality of Beloslav, together with the partners of project No. BGENVIRONMENT-2.003-0001 “Introduction of an innovative model to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the marine environment from land-based sources” invited all children and youth from 10 to 14 years old to participate in the initiative.
A total of 27 children participated, and the participants used different plastic waste, from which they created beautiful and functional products!
A special guest at the exhibition’s opening was Mrs Teodora Balkanska, a resident of Beloslav and a teacher of fine art, technology and entrepreneurship of the children from Tsar Simeon I Primary School, Varna. A teacher devoted to children and with a personal cause for protecting the environment and the waters of the Black Sea, Mrs Balkanska gave us a short interview in which she talked about her students’ participation in the project initiative and the encouragement and work of the children. Expect our short video interview with her soon. Until then, see the photos from 31.10.2022, the day of the exhibition’s opening and the celebration of World Black Sea Day in Beloslav Municipality.

The publication was created in connection with the implementation of the project № BGENVIRONMENT-2.003-0001 “Introduction of an innovative model for reducing the amount of plastic waste in the marine environment from land-based sources”, with the financial support of the Program “Environmental Protection and Climate Change” “Through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) 2014-2021. The Municipality of Beloslav implements the project in partnership with Ecoinvest Assets AD, the Green Industry Innovation and Technology Transfer Foundation and the Norwegian consulting company IDN (International Development Norway). All responsibility for its content lies with the ZIITT Foundation, and under no circumstances can this document be considered as reflecting the official opinion of the Program Operator and/or The Financial Mechanism Office.