Children’s drawing competition “Our clean sea” – a new challenge for young artists
Beloslav Municipality, together with the project partners № BGENVIRONMENT-2.003-0001 “Introduction of an innovative model for reducing the amount of plastic waste in the marine environment from terrestrial sources”, organizes a competition for children’s
drawings on “Our clean sea”.All children from 6 to 14 years of age
from the schools on the territory of Beloslav Municipality are invited to participate. Participants can use pastels, felt-tip pens, paints, coloured pencils, collage techniques or other materials on paper or cardboard.
The sheet size should be block number 4 or 35/50 cm, and on the back of each drawing, the authors should indicate three names, age, e-mail and contact phone number, the name of the school and the class.

The deadline for sending the drawings is March 17, 2022. The drawings can also be sent as to e-mail: d.todorova.beloslav@gmail.com. or to be presented on the spot in the Municipality of Beloslav at the address: Beloslav, P.K. 9178, 23 Tsar Simeon the Great Street, to the team of Precious plastic.
All submitted children’s drawings will be exhibited at the Municipal Center “Precious plastic” in Beloslav Municipality, and on World Recycling Day – March 18, 2022, Friday, the project team will present awards to children who participated in the competition.
The publication was created in connection with the implementation of the project № BGENVIRONMENT-2.003-0001 “Introduction of an innovative model for reducing the amount of plastic waste in the marine environment from land-based sources”, with the financial support of the Program “Environmental Protection and Climate Change” “Through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) 2014-2021. The Municipality of Beloslav implements the project in partnership with Ecoinvest Assets AD, the Green Industry Innovation and Technology Transfer Foundation and the Norwegian consulting company IDN (International Development Norway). All responsibility for its content lies with the ZIITT Foundation, and under no circumstances can this document be considered as reflecting the official opinion of the Program Operator and/or The Financial Mechanism Office.