Academy for “CIRCULAR ECONOMY” opens its doors again in Beloslav Municipality
From November 24 to 25th, 2022, key training ♻ and workshops will be held at the 👩🏼🎓♻👨🏻🎓♻👩🏻🎓♻👨🏼🎓 Academy for “CIRCULAR ECONOMY” in Beloslav Municipality “, part of the 🍀initiatives under project BGENVIRONMENT-2.003-0001 “Introducing an innovative model to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the marine environment from land-based sources”.
🙌🏻 ♻🙌🏻 ♻🙌🏻
Various training, demonstrations and workshops are planned for both days this week:
November 24, 2022 (Thursday)
✅ Workshop – how to construct our own machine
10:30 – 11:30 How to build your own machine
Venue: Municipal Center “Precious plastic”, the town of Beloslav
✅ Training on “Fundamentals of plastics.”
The training is aimed at representatives of the local community – children
11:30 – 13:30 What is plastic – history, application, features. Environmental pollution with plastic. Types of plastic and possibilities for their recycling.
Venue: Municipal Center “Precious plastic”, the town of Beloslav
November 25, 2022 (Friday)
✅ Training on “Fundamentals of plastics.”
A practical module aimed at representatives of the local community – children
10:00 – 13:00 Demonstration and active participation of the attendees in recycling plastic waste and turning it into valuable objects made according to the participants’ own design.
Venue: Municipal Center “Precious plastic”, the town of Beloslav
👋🏻 See the entire program on our page here: PROGRAM
