European agricultural and food system

European agricultural and food system

🇪🇺🌱What is the Green Deal? How should it change Europe, and what will be the benefits for our society from it? ✅ The European agricultural and food system, supported by the Common Agricultural Policy, is already a world standard in terms of safety, security of supply, nutritional content and quality. Now it must also become a global standard for sustainability. […]

Teachers underwent specialized training under the “Zero Waste SCHOOL” project

Teachers underwent specialized training under the “Zero Waste SCHOOL” project

10.07.2023 specialized teacher training was held in Dupnitsa under the “Zero Waste SCHOOL” project.📌 The main topics were:♻️ Impact of waste on the environment and ways to reduce it♻️ Circular economy and resource efficiency♻️ Separate waste collection♻️ Basics of household waste recycling♻️ The path of food – separate collection and composting📌 The lectures were led by experts from the “Green […]

Training for teachers

Training for teachers

On 10.07.2023, Monday, in the building of the CEU “St. Paisii Hilendarski”, the town of Dupnitsa, training for teachers will be held under project No. BGENVIRONMENT-3.001-0004 “School without waste”, financed under the “Environmental Protection” Program Environment and climate change (EOSC)” of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA FM) 2014-2021.♻️ The training is aimed at teachers from the […]